In-Home Pet Euthanasia

Learn more about how to help your pet pass away with love and kindness in the comfort of home.

Euthanasia at Home

Euthanasia is a selfless act of love that you give your pet. When you choose to have your pet at home for euthanasia, comfort, peace, and dignity are the gifts you give them. Dr. Dawn will do all possible to ensure your final moments together are gentle and compassionate.

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Your pet has given you unconditional love. You’ve shared your home and maybe even your couch and your bed. They’ve been by your side through major transitions in your life. You can help them be most comfortable in their final transition when you choose euthanasia at home.

Why Choose to Euthanize your pet at home?

In the veterinary clinic, euthanasia can be a stressful experience for your pet and for you. From the car ride to the noise, strange smells, and busy pace of the vet clinic, these distractions can add to the discomfort your pet may already be feeling. Grieving the loss of your pet in a public place can also be uncomfortable. When you choose home euthanasia, your pet will be most comfortable and you and your family have the privacy you want for your pet’s final moments. There is no limit to the number of people who can be present to love your pet and there’s no need to move your pet to an unfamiliar setting. When Dr. Dawn comes to your home for euthanasia, you can expect comfort, peace, and dignity for your pet and for you.

Comfort – your pet will remain at home in whatever location he or she finds most comfortable. No need to move your pet to a carrier, a car, or any uncomfortable location with unfamiliar smells. If your pet has found comfort on the couch, in a bed, or even outside, that’s where your pet can remain as they gently pass away.

Peace – your pet will receive medication to ensure that their experience is as peaceful as possible. The first medications that are given bring a deep and peaceful sleep. The euthanasia medication that is given last is an overdose of sleeping (anesthesia) medication. The medications ensure your pet’s experience is as close to peacefully passing away in their sleep as possible.

Dignity – you can expect Dr. Dawn to care for your pet in the most dignified manner. From the moment she meets your pet to the final goodbyes, you and your pet will be treated respectfully and with compassion.

Reasons to be at home include:

  • Less stress for your pet
  • Privacy during the appointment
  • The presence of other pets should you choose
  • Choice of location
  • Religious freedoms
  • Privacy afterward, on your terms